The Dentists

The Dentists were an overtly right-wing punk band from Leeds and who were part of the right-wing Punk Front along with The Ventz set up by local NF Organiser Eddie Morrison.
Mick Redshaw was the singer of The Dentists and the band were all members of the NF, although some joined the British Movement in 1979. Originally he planned the band to be a straight punk band but Morrison encouraged him to be more political in his lyric writing with such song titles as Master Race which a National Front PR sheet claimed ‘Sounds has given rave reviews about!’
Other songs included Union Jack, Your Country Needs You, 2021: A New Ice Age, On Guard, Your Time and Kill The Reds. A New Ice Age attacked America as a ‘broken down whore’ and Mick’s poetic pen concluded with devasting political laser pinpoint accuracy – ‘Fuck the Yanks and the USA’
He didn’t stop there. Master Race was their most popular live number, The song spoke out against parliament, the NHS and the education system, again concluding with devasting political insight.
We don’t need them anymore. We are the master race
According to the Blood & Honour website, the band took 6 months before they played their first gig and “they were amazingly shambolic but a breath of fresh air.” Considering some punk bands rocked up on stage after 1 day of being formed, six months and still being shambolic is going some in the ineptitude stakes.
The band gatecrashed a December 1978 RAR concert at the ‘F’ Club which has a write-up by Paul Furness in RAR magazine Temporary Hoarding.

The Blood & Honour website has a different take and claims The Dentists being a bit arty and three songs in were giving out tin swastikas made out of beer cans (! WTF) before the management pulled the plug on them.
Their moment of glory came when headliners Skrewdriver pulled out of the first Rock Against Communism (RAC) gig at Conway Hall in August 1979 and they headlined over Coventry nazi band White Boss. Sadly after their big introduction their first act was to break a string and have to start again.
A fetching picture of singer Redshaw shows him looking like a painter and decorator doing karaoke but apparently, this Clockwork Orange bib style and boots was pucker style for terrace boot boys at the time.

Post the RAC gig the band seemingly lasted another 6 months playing around 10 gigs in total in their short life. A suggestion that they might do some recordings came to nothing. Redshaw was the only one who was named in the band (apart from the guitarist, Howard and Chink the bassist – no last names) and was getting harassed at work and on the street.
In the end, Redshaw stopped contacting Morrison and his NF chums and faded out of the picture. With The Dentists split, the National Front’s Punk Front came to an end which if you add it all up was a bit of a damp squib.
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