
Shades was a retro store in the Chelsea Antique Market on the KIngs Road London and run by a guy named Troy. George O’Dowd, aka Boy George, worked there for a short time. The shop sold ‘Punk and Jah ‘ garmnrs as their advert in the fanzine Ripped & Torn #15 from November 1978 exclaimed.
This is the corridor into the legendary CHELSEA ANTIQUE MARKET (245A Kings Road). A rare shot from late 70s/possibly early 80s. SHADES is at the back, run by Dread Troy. I worked there in ’77, as did young (pre Boy) George O’Dowd. A veritable plethora of “interesting” characters entered, including Bob Marley, Debbie Harry, Pistols, Clash etc. Georgie’s mum dyed stage boiler suits for the Wailers I believe. Guy McGregor, Facebook

Indeed Boy George does fondly remember his time there.
…I secured a part-time job working in Chelsea Antiques Market up the King’s Road for a cool black guy called Troy who sold retro chic. I did everything, running for coffees and sandwiches, collecting stock and cleaning hundreds of pairs of fifties stilettos. I didn’t care. I loved working on the King’s Road.
..Mum made accidental history by dyeing six white boiler suits khaki for Bob Marley and The Wailers for their Rainbow Theatre show. Troy was friends with Bob Marley. I delivered the suits to a house in Ceyne Walk. When the door opened I almost suffocated in a fog of marijuana. Boy George, Take It Like A Man
It’s an interesting flyer as it doesn’t really advertise the shop beyond, as the name of the shop suggests, selling a lot of shades (sunglasses). George’s memories suggest Troy was another who bought old retro stock and resold it. So while not a punk store per se, the sort of place where discerning punks might buy something to mix and match.

The shop’s address at 352 on the flyer isn’t the Chelsea Market either which suggests Troy also took the leap from stall to shop?
Add in Antiquarious, and Beaufort Market and the King’s Road was certainly a bustling place to shop!
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