US Bands
Though this site is primarily concerned with UK Punk 1976-79 a US section has been added as it is impossible to define & describe UK Punk rock in isolation to the US.
If there are bands you think should be there then email me and provide the entry for the site and get a name check. If you can't be bothered to do that then I can't be bothered to add them.

- The Alley Cats
- The Avengers
- The Bags
- Blondie
- Cherry Vanilla
- Crime
- Dead Boys
- Dead Kennedys
- Devo
- The Dictators
- Electric Eels
- The Germs
- The Heartbreakers
- Iggy Pop & The Stooges
- Jonathan Richman
- MC5
- New York Dolls
- The Nuns
- Patti Smith
- Pere Ubu
- Plasmatics
- The Ramones
- Richard Hell
- The Runaways
- Suicide
- Talking Heads
- Television
- The Tubes
- Wayne County
- X
- The Zeros